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Tourism Review ; 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-20231831


PurposeTo cater to the senior tourist market, it is essential to comprehend the factors motivating and deterring them from international travel post-COVID-19. This study aims to focus on senior citizens' destination choice intentions and aims to develop a model that prioritizes positive and negative factors leading to international travel destination choices. It uses push-pull factors, perceived travel risks (PTRs) and perceived travel constraints (PTCs). Design/methodology/approachDecision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) and fuzzy technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (Fuzzy TOPSIS) are two multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques used to identify connections between variables and determine their relative importance in the decision-making model. FindingsDEMATEL found push and pull factors are "effects" while PTCs and PTRs are "causes" affecting senior citizens' destination choices. Push factors and PTCs have a greater impact than pull factors and PTRs. Fuzzy TOPSIS highlighted "improving health and wellness" and "self-fulfillment and spirituality" as key push factors, "health safety and security quotient" as the most important pull factor, and "interpersonal constraints" as the most critical PTC. Finally, "health risks" is the top PTR. Originality/valueThis paper adds to the tourism literature by looking at the relationship between senior tourists' motivation, PTRs and PTCs and showing how the subfactors affect their choice of destination rank. The data analysis techniques used in this study are also novel, having never been used before in senior tourism research. Finally, even though there is a lot of research on senior tourism, not much is known about how Indian senior tourists act. In light of this study's findings, practical recommendations were offered to tourism stakeholders worldwide, interested in tapping into the market of Indian outbound senior tourists or repositioning product or destination offerings to take this promising market or similar markets into account.

Pasos ; 21(1):115-128, 2023.
Artigo em Português | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2205401


O artigo tem como objetivo analisar os fatores que afetam a intenção de viagem do consumidor de turismo durante a pandemia do Covid-19 para o ano de 2021 e 2022. A pesquisa é quantitativa, com escopo conceitual construído a partir da pesquisa bibliográfica. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário, elaborado com base na Teoria do Comportamento Planejado. A coleta ocorreu por meio do Google Forms, durante o mês de janeiro de 2021. O tipo de amostragem foi não probabilística, com 174 questionários válidos. As técnicas de análise foram: Análise Fatorial Exploratória (AFE) e Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (MEE). O modelo estrutural resultante do cruzamento dos dados, apresentou-se adequado à explicação e ajuste da amostra, visto que foi obtido um R2 de 0,75. As hipóteses levantadas foram confirmadas, conferindo intenções positivas de viagem para o ano de 2021 e 2022, e sinalizando comportamentos resistentes dos consumidores de turismo.Alternate : The article aims to analyse the factors that affect the travel intention of the tourism consumer during the Covid-19 pandemic for the year 2021 and 2022. The research is quantitative, with a conceptual scope built from research of the literature. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. The survey was organised using Google Forms in January 2021. The type of sampling was non-probabilistic, with 174 valid questionnaires. The analysis techniques were: Exploratory Factor Analysis (AFE) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The structural model resulting from the cross-referencing of the data was shown to be adequate for the explanation and adjustment of the sample, since an R2 of 0.75 was obtained. The hypotheses raised were confirmed, giving positive travel intentions for the year 2021 and 2022, and signalling resistant behavior in tourists.Alternate : El artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los factores que inciden en la intención de viaje del consumidor turístico durante la pandemia del Covid-19 para el año 2021 y 2022. La investigación es cuantitativa, con un alcance conceptual construido a partir de la investigación bibliográfica. El instrumento de recolección de datos fue un cuestionario, elaborado siguiendo la Teoría del Comportamiento Planificado. La recolección se realizó a través de Google Forms, durante enero de 2021, con muestreo no probabilístico y 174 cuestionarios válidos. Las técnicas de análisis fueron: Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (AFE) y Modelado de Ecuaciones Estructurales (SEM). El modelo estructural resultante del cruce de datos se mostró adecuado para la explicación y ajuste de la muestra, ya que se obtuvo un R2 de 0,75. Las hipótesis planteadas se confirmaron, dando intenciones de viaje positivas para el año 2021 y 2022, y señalando comportamientos resistentes de los consumidores de turismo.

Pasos ; 21(1):83-97, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2205400


Diversas investigaciones han abordado el papel jugado por las Rutas del Vino de España para dinamizar la competitividad de un territorio, incrementar la producción vinícola, mejorar la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos y respetar el medioambiente. Sin embargo, hasta donde sabemos, el impacto de la COVI-19 sobre dichas rutas enológicas no ha sido abordado en la literatura académica. Para superar este gap de investigación, el trabajo pretende analizar el impacto del patógeno sobre la oferta y la demanda de las actividades turísticas a través de, por un lado, el análisis de la evolución de las instituciones adheridas a las rutas del vino españolas y, por otro lado, el estudio del impacto económico de las 32 rutas que conforman dicho producto turístico.Alternate : Several studies have addressed the role played by the Spanish Wine Routes in boosting the competitiveness of a territory, increasing wine production, improving the quality of life of citizens and respecting the environment. However, to our knowledge, the impact of COVID-19 on these wine routes has not been addressed in the academic literature. In order to overcome this research gap, this paper aims to analyse the impact of the pathogen on the supply and demand of tourist activities by analysing the evolution of the institution members of the Spanish wine routes and the economic impact of the 32 routes that make up this tourist product.

Turismo y Sociedad ; 32:219-250, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2204626


La COV ID-19 no solo ha afectado la salud de la población, sino también ha deteriorado las economías y las industrias de los países, una de ellas y la más afectada es, sin duda, el turismo. El impacto de la COV ID-19 en la industria turística boliviana alertó que se perderían cerca de 3.020 millones de bolivianos en la gestión de 2020. Los principales mercados de turismo receptivo de Bolivia disminuyeron drásticamente sus viajes y el impacto derivado de la ausencia de turismo provocó que más de 140.000 personas perdieran su fuente de empleo. Pero, sin duda, el microempresario de turismo fue quien recibió el mayor impacto, ya que cerca del 50 % de las unidades productivas cerraron operaciones en los meses siguientes al inicio de la pandemia. Sin embargo, los empresarios bolivianos vieron en la paralización una oportunidad para pensar y reinventarse a partir de la migración al mundo informático.Alternate :Covid-19 has not only affected the health of the population but has also deteriorated the economies and industries of the countries;one of them, which is the most affected, is undoubtedly tourism. The impact of the Covid-19 on the Bolivian tourism industry warned that about 3,020 million BOB $ would be lost in 2020. The main receptive inbound markets in Bolivia drastically decreased their trips and the impact derived from the absence of tourism caused more than 140 thousand people to lose their job source. Undoubtedly, the tourism micro entrepreneur was the one who received the greatest impact, since nearly 50% of the productive units closed operations in the months following the start of the pandemic. However, Bolivian entrepreneurs saw in this interruption an opportunity to think and reinvent themselves by migrating to the computer world.

Revista de Gestão e Secretariado ; 12(3):161-183, 2021.
Artigo em Português | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2203444


Gerir é uma tarefa sempre difícil uma vez que, existem demasiadas variáveis envolvidas e que se torna ainda mais complicada quando as perspectivas futuras são incertas. Efetivamente, a partir do final de 2019, devido à propagação do SARS-CoV2 o turismo tornou-se altamente vulnerável e os responsáveis pelos alojamentos turísticos tiveram quebras de receitas bastante avultadas. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar, de que forma os responsáveis das empresas de alojamentos turísticos percepcionam, em termos de satisfação, a alocação de recursos que é feita pelos municípios. Para tal recorreu-se a metodologias estatísticas tais como: descritivas, análise componentes principais, regressão linear múltipla e regressão logística ordinal. As conclusões remetem para a importância da divulgação feita pelos municípios na satisfação global dos responsáveis pelo alojamentos turísticos. Contudo, o apoio ao turista e à realização de eventos também se mostrou relevante em termos de alocação de recursos por parte dos municípios.

Terra ; - (10):286-301, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2203092


Las Jornadas de Campo constituyen una de las herramientas didácticas con mayor arraigo en la Geografía y, tras la parálisis de las actividades educativas en el territorio determinada por la pandemia de la Covid-19, el Grupo de Trabajo en Desarrollo Local (GTDL) de la Asociación Española de Geografía (AGE) pretende recuperar esta práctica. Los diversos espacios geográficos, con sus dinámicas y transformaciones, se erigen en ámbitos de estudio a modo de laboratorios para el conocimiento y la interrelación con los vecinos y los agentes socioeconómicos («stakeholders»). La propuesta de estas primeras jornadas de campo, se centraron en el acercamiento a los núcleos de cabecera y otras villas históricas de las comarcas naturales salmantinas de Salvatierra y Entresierras, Béjar y Alto Tormes. El objetivo general fue el análisis de dos casos contrastados, por un lado, la ciudad de Béjar que padece las derivadas de la crisis del sector textil lanero y, por otro lado, la villa de Guijuelo que emerge con fuerza por el éxito del «saber de hacer» («know-how») secular en el tratamiento y curado de las carnes del cerdo ibérico. También abordamos la temática de la despoblación en la comarca del Alto Tormes y focalizado en el municipio de Puente del Congosto. Estas se celebraron el 25 y 26 de marzo de 2022.

Terra ; - (9):147-159, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2203091


La pandemia del COVID-19 obligó a todos los países del mundo a tomar medidas frente al tema de la bioseguridad para prevenir y mitigar los riesgos de contagio de las personas en las viviendas, las organizaciones y en los territorios. Lo anterior incluyó al sector del turismo, donde los prestadores de servicio tuvieron que elaborar los correspondientes protocolos para poder funcionar con buenas prácticas. Es así como el objetivo de este estudio fue construir un protocolo de buenas prácticas de bioseguridad COVID-19 para cuatro operadores del turismo comunitario de la localidad de Usme en Bogotá-Colombia. La metodología de investigación utilizada fue el estudio de caso?cualitativo con el que se empleó la encuesta como instrumento de recolección. Entre los resultados obtenidos está la descripción de las características de los cuatro operadores turísticos, la identificación y comparación de la legislación correspondiente, y la co-construcción del documento de bioseguridad. Como conclusión principal, se determinó que el documento de buenas prácticas de bioseguridad para los operadores turísticos de la localidad de Usme debe responder principalmente a servicios turísticos como: reserva natural, realización de caminatas ecológicas, avistamiento de aves, actividades de finca, gastronomía y alojamiento tipo camping, lo que exige tener en cuenta las buenas prácticas especificadas en las resoluciones 666, 1421,1285, 1059 y 749, todas de 2020.

Academia-Revista Latinoamericana De Administracion ; 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-2191297


PurposeThe importance of workers in labour-intensive industries, such as tourism, is undeniable. In this sense, it has been investigated for decades from various methodological approaches. However, in the academic literature on tourism, the partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) technique has hardly been used.Design/methodology/approachTherefore, this work uses that technique to contrast which factors define the employees' wages in the Spanish tourism industry. Additionally, an importance-performance map analysis (IPMA) analysis is carried out, which provides informed decision-making.FindingsThus, the main results obtained are the verification and measurement of the relationships of Human Capital, Labour Conditions and Market with Wages, and the relation between Human Capital and Labour Conditions. Besides, the improvement points in each variable are identified. Especial emphasis is given to those related to Human Capital and, partially, to the Market.Research limitations/implicationsHowever, there are certain limitations to this study. Mainly, as the indicators used are given by the 2018 Salary Structure Survey, they are stiff and so the design of the model turns to be more difficult.Originality/valueConsidering the turning point that the temporary cessation of the tourism industry activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic has been, it is essential to take advantage of it to identify and correct existing deficiencies. Therefore, this work aims to be a base document for the identification of these problems.

Pasos ; 20(4):871-883, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2056881


This work presents new practices that can be followed in health and wellness tourism destinations, with a greater focus on promoting human wellbeing, based on the strategy presented for the Caldas da Cavaca Thermal Spa Resort in Portugal. In this study, the methodology used was based on empirical data collection. Four techniques were used, namely a benchmarking strategy, complemented by questionnaires to managers of thermal spas, and a questionnaire survey aimed at the clients and manager of Caldas da Cavaca. In this strategy, a set of 40 strategic actions were defined. These actions are in line with the policies and strategies defined by public decision-making international, national, regional and local organizations. In this sense, with regard to the promotion of quality of life and wellbeing, it is possible to highlight 14 measures that strengthen this orientation. It should position itself as an innovative, attractive thermal wellness destination that invites to a healthy lifestyle, in a calm and peaceful environment in interaction with nature.Alternate : Este trabajo presenta nuevas prácticas que se pueden seguir en los destinos turísticos de salud y bienestar, con un mayor enfoque en la promoción del bienestar humano, a partir de la estrategia presentada para el Balneario Termal de Caldas da Cavaca en Portugal. En este estudio, la metodología utilizada se basó en la recolección de datos empíricos, se utilizaron cuatro técnicas, a saber, una estrategia de benchmarking, complementada con cuestionarios a gerentes de balnearios termales, y una encuesta cuestionario dirigida a los clientes y gerente de Caldas da Cavaca. En esta estrategia se definen un conjunto de 40 acciones estratégicas. Estas acciones están en línea con las políticas y estrategias definidas por los organismos públicos de toma de decisiones internacionales, nacionales, regionales y locales. En este sentido, en lo que respecta a la promoción de la calidad de vida y el bienestar, es posible destacar 14 medidas que fortalecen esta orientación. Debe posicionarse como un destino de bienestar termal innovador y atractivo que invita a un estilo de vida saludable, en un entorno tranquilo y pacífico en interacción con la naturaleza.

Pasos ; 20(1), 2022.
Artigo em Português | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2030574


A finalidade do estudo é discutir os efeitos da pandemia do novo coronavírus (Covid-19) no setor turístico no Nordeste do Brasil, a partir de reportagens jornalísticas de credibilidade nacional/internacional e dados extraídos de portais on-line do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Mistérios do Turismo e da Saúde, Organização Mundial da Saúde e Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde, além de consultas às referências bibliográficas sobre os impactos da pandemia na economia do turismo, evidenciando a natureza quantitativa e qualitativa da pesquisa, sendo dos tipos descritivo e exploratório, respaldada na coleta de informações e no uso de literatura especializada que fundamentam a discussão teórica e a análise dos resultados. Dentre os principais efeitos da pandemia no setor turístico, o estudo destaca: cancelamento de eventos de grande porte;paralisação e/ou fechamento de meios de hospedagem, elevado número de demissões no setor turístico da região, entre outros. Destaca também algumas ações, medidas e políticas para readequação da atividade na tentativa de conter a crise econômica no setor turístico.Alternate : The aim of this study is to discuss the effects of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) on the tourism sector in the Northeast of Brazil. It was collated from reliable national/international news reports and data taken from the online portals of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization, together with references to the impact of the pandemic on the tourism economy, both from a quantitative and qualitative perspective. The research typology is descriptive and exploratory, endorsed by the information gathered and the use of specialized literature supporting the theoretical discussion and analysis of results. Among the main effects of the pandemic in the tourism sector, the study highlights: cancellation of major events;the shutdown and/ or closing of hotels, high number of layoffs in the region’s tourism sector, among others. It also shows some actions, measures and policies to readjust the activities in an attempt to contain the economic crisis within the tourism sector.Alternate : El objetivo del estudio es discutir los efectos de la pandemia del nuevo coronavirus (Covid-19) en el sector del turismo en la región nordeste de Brasil, a partir de informes periodísticos de credibilidad nacional/internacional y datos extraídos de los portales en línea del Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística, Misterios de Turismo y Salud, Organización Mundial de la Salud y Organización Panamericana de la Salud, Además de las consultas a referencias bibliográficas sobre los impactos de la pandemia en la economía del turismo, destacando el carácter cuantitativo y cualitativo de la investigación, siendo de tipo descriptivo y exploratorio, apoyado en la recolección de información y el uso de literatura especializada que sustentan la discusión teórica y el análisis de los resultados. Entre los principales efectos de la pandemia en el sector turístico, el estudio destaca: cancelación de grandes eventos;paralización y/o cierre de medios de alojamiento, alto número de despidos en el sector turístico de la región, entre otros. También destaca algunas acciones, medidas y políticas para reajustar la actividad en un intento de contener la crisis económica en el sector turístico.

Pasos ; 19(4):695-711, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2030572


Aunque el Patrimonio Cultural es fuente reconocida de bienestar, su sobreexplotación turística genera fuertes impactos negativos, agravados en las grandes ciudades por la concentración de efectos en el espacio. Este trabajo aborda el caso de Madrid, ciudad que cuenta en su periferia metropolitana con activos patrimoniales de primer nivel, cuyo mejor aprovechamiento turístico ayudaría a mitigar el impacto negativo en la capital, a la vez que contribuiría al desarrollo económico y social de la periferia. En la investigación se aplicó un planteamiento metodológico dinámico con cuatro planos de análisis complementarios: documental y de redes, cualitativo, cuantitativo y procesos participativos. Los resultados evidencian la necesidad de adoptar estrategias de gestión cultural y de planificación turística orientadas al reequilibrio de los flujos de visitantes. La activación de los propios vecinos se revela como un recurso especialmente valioso para fortalecer un turismo de proximidad, experiencial y más sostenible. El impacto de la Covid-19, por una parte, y la declaración del Paseo del Prado y el Retiro como Patrimonio de la Humanidad, por otra, han puesto aún más de actualidad esta situación.Alternate : Although cultural heritage is a recognised source of well-being, its overexploitation by tourism generates strong negative impacts, aggravated in large cities by the concentration of effects in space. This work addresses the case of Madrid, a city with first class heritage assets in its metropolitan periphery, whose better use for tourism would help to mitigate the negative impact on the capital, while contributing to the economic and social development of the periphery. The research applied a dynamic methodological approach with four complementary levels of analysis: documentary and network, qualitative, quantitative and participatory processes. The results show the need to adopt cultural management and tourism planning strategies aimed at rebalancing visitor flows. The activation of the local residents themselves has proved to be a particularly valuable resource for strengthening local, experiential and more sustainable tourism. The impact of Covid-19, on the one hand, and the declaration of the Paseo del Prado and the Retiro as World Heritage Sites, on the other, have made this situation even more topical.Alternate : Embora o património cultural seja uma fonte reconhecida de bem-estar, a sua exploração excessiva pelo turismo gera fortes impactos negativos, agravados nas grandes cidades pela concentração dos efeitos no espaço. Este trabalho aborda o caso de Madrid, uma cidade com património de primeira classe na sua periferia metropolitana, cuja melhor utilização para o turismo ajudaria a mitigar o impacto negativo sobre a capital, contribuindo simultaneamente para o desenvolvimento económico e social da periferia. A investigação aplicou uma abordagem metodológica dinâmica com quatro níveis complementares de análise: documentário e rede, processos qualitativos, quantitativos e participativos. Os resultados mostram a necessidade de adoptar estratégias de gestão cultural e planeamento turístico destinadas a reequilibrar os fluxos de visitantes. A activação dos próprios residentes locais provou ser um recurso particularmente valioso para reforçar o turismo local, experiencial e mais sustentável. O impacto do Covid-19, por um lado, e a declaração do Paseo del Prado e do Retiro como Património Mundial, por outro, tornaram esta situação ainda mais actual.

Pasos ; 19(1):189-194, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2030571


El impacto causado en el sector turístico por la crisis sanitaria ligada al coronavirus Covid-19 y la necesidad de proteger a la población de ulteriores contagios, apunta hacia un cambio en el modelo turístico en España. En las zonas de costa, donde el turismo de masas era habitual, van a ser necesarias importantes reformas para amortiguar los efectos económicos de la caída de turismo extranjero. En el caso del turismo cultural, ligado a entornos urbanos o zonas de interior, estamos ante una buena oportunidad para implementar cambios estructurales en la gestión, ya que adolecía de importantes problemas previos. En este documento queremos destacar las que pueden ser algunas de las claves para las reformas que están por llegar.Alternate : The impact caused in the tourism sector by the public health crisis linked to coronavirus Covid-19 and the need to protect the population from subsequent infection marks a necessary change in the model of tourism in coastal areas in Spain where mass tourism was the norm. Relevant reforms must be made to soften the economic effects of the drop in foreign tourism. In the case of cultural tourism in urban areas and inland, there is an en excellent opportunity to make structural changes in management that pre-Covid was already experiencing serious problems. In this document we attempt to highlight the elements that may be key to future reform.Alternate : O impacto causado no sector do turismo pela crise sanitária ligada ao coronavírus Covid-19 e a necessidade de proteger a população de novas infecções, aponta para uma mudança no modelo de turismo em Espanha. Nas zonas costeiras, onde o turismo de massas era comum, serão necessárias reformas importantes para amortecer os efeitos económicos da queda do turismo estrangeiro. No caso do turismo cultural, ligado a ambientes urbanos ou zonas interiores, esta é uma boa oportunidade para implementar mudanças estruturais na gestão, uma vez que sofria de grandes problemas anteriores. Neste documento queremos destacar o que podem ser algumas das chaves para as reformas que estão para vir.

Pasos ; 20(3):601-614, 2022.
Artigo em Português | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2026344


O turismo brasileiro vivencia um novo paradigma sustentado na restrição de mobilidade e novos e rígidos procedimentos sanitários, tendo em vista a pandemia mundial da COVID-19. Com base neste contexto, esta pesquisa objetivou analisar os impactos do coronavírus no turismo a partir das percepções de especialistas da área, os quais se manifestaram em lives na rede social Instagram e entrevistas. Para estudar o fenômeno pertinente aos impactos, optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa de caráter exploratório, valendo-se das técnicas da netnografia. Assim, dentre os resultados obtidos, destaca-se a compreensão de que o turismo pós-COVID-19 recuperar-se-á num ritmo mais lento do que outros setores da economia, adquirindo formatos que privilegiarão o turismo interno, exigindo dos gestores públicos a perspicácia de desenvolver processos de planejamento e gestão que permitam aos destinos turísticos adequarem-se às novas exigências do mercado.Alternate : Brazilian tourism has experienced the restrictions on mobility and new rigid health procedures as a result of the COVID-19. pandemic The present research aimed at analysing the impacts of coronavirus on tourism as based on the perceptions of specialists in the area, as given live on the social network Instagram and in interviews. In order to study the impacts, an exploratory qualitative approach was chosen, using the techniques of net(h)nography. Thus, of the results obtained, the study highlights the understanding that post-COVID-19 tourism will recover at a slower pace than other sectors of the economy acquiring formats that privilege domestic tourism, requiring public managers to exercise perspicacity in development and management processes that allow tourist destinations to adapt to the new market demands.Alternate : El turismo brasileño ha experimentado las restricciones a la movilidad y los nuevos procedimientos sanitarios rígidos como resultado de la pandemia de COVID-19. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar los impactos del coronavirus en el turismo a partir de las percepciones de especialistas en el área, dadas en vivo en la red social Instagram y en entrevistas. Para estudiar los impactos se optó por un enfoque cualitativo exploratorio, utilizando las técnicas de la netnografía. Así, de los resultados obtenidos, el estudio destaca el entendimiento de que el turismo post-COVID-19 se recuperará a un ritmo más lento que otros sectores de la economía adquiriendo formatos que privilegian el turismo interno, lo que exige a los gestores públicos un ejercicio de perspicacia en los procesos de desarrollo y gestión que permitan a los destinos turísticos adaptarse a las nuevas demandas del mercado.

Investigaciones Geograficas ; - (78):153-167, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | Academic Search Complete | ID: covidwho-1975408


The 'French' Way of St James crosses the province of Palencia. In the municipalities along the track the trajectory is a development resource after the 2008 financial crisis and the celebration of the Holy Year in 2010. This paper describes and analyses the socioeconomic impact along the route during the second decade of this century. The study is based on primary and secondary sources, including fieldwork. Basic data are mapped. The wealth generated by the Palencia track because of pilgrim and tourist spending has not been able to revert the ageing and loss of population. Despite the celebration of the 2021/2022 Holy Year the paralysis caused by the covid-19 pandemic has reduced the capacity of the local tourism industry. (English) [ FROM AUTHOR] El Camino de Santiago Francés, a su paso por la provincia de Palencia, constituye un renovado recurso para el desarrollo local de los municipios inmersos en el itinerario tras la crisis financiera del 2008 y la celebración del Año Santo Jacobeo en 2010. A partir de estos antecedentes, el objetivo del artículo pretende analizar y comprobar cómo ha repercutido el Camino en los aspectos socioeconómicos por el territorio que atraviesa en la segunda década del nuevo milenio. La metodología utilizada se ha basado en la obtención de datos de fuentes primarias y secundarias, el trabajo de campo y la representación cartográfica de los indicadores temáticos a lo largo del sendero jacobeo. El Camino, en el tramo palentino, contribuye a la generación de riqueza local por el gasto de los peregrinos y de los turistas pero no de forma suficiente para frenar la pérdida de población y combatir el elevado grado de envejecimiento. De cara al futuro inmediato, tras la parálisis provocada en el Camino por la pandemia de la Covid-19 se abre un periodo de incertidumbre que repercutirá de forma negativa en el tejido de la oferta turística a pesar de la celebración del Año Santo Jacobeo 2021/2022. (Spanish) [ FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Investigaciones Geograficas is the property of Universidad de Alicante, Instituto Universitario de Geografia and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full . (Copyright applies to all s.)

Revista FSA ; 19(7):10-28, 2022.
Artigo em Português | Academic Search Complete | ID: covidwho-1955022


Rural tourism increasingly awakens the approximation of the rural to the urban by offering a diversified portfolio of attractions that, when organized in the format of tourist routes, strategically articulate current and future ventures. The objective of this wais to analyze the absorptive capacity (CA) in the offer of rural tourism in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Rota das Trutas, located in the municipality of São José dos Ausentes (RS, Brazil). In methodological terms, a qualitative multi-case s was carried out in two projects with an online interview with the owners of the projects and data wad analyzed using the content analysis technique. The results demonstrated the lack of prior knowledge to work in tourism basedon agricultural activities, and new knowledge was accessed through technical assistance, nonetheless assimilation has limitations, and its application could be expanded. As a result of the AC, the fragility of the relationship between the potential AC and the achieved AC resulting from the transmission of internal knowledge by the owners is evident. The COVID-19 pandemic changed the routines and led them to adopt tourist security protocols, culminating in the increase in demand, as well as arousing interest in offering new personalized services and expanding existing ones. (English) [ FROM AUTHOR] O turismo rural desperta cada vez mais a aproximação do rural ao urbano, ao oferecer um diversificado portfólio de atrativos que, quando organizados no formato de roteiros turísticos, articulam estrategicamente empreendimentos atuais e futuros. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a capacidade de absorção (CA) na oferta de turismo rural frente à pandemia COVID-19 na Rota das Trutas, localizada no município de São José dos Ausentes (RS, Brasil). Em termos metodológicos, foi realizado um multicaso qualitativo em dois projetos com uma entrevista online com os proprietários dos projetos e dados analisados através da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados demonstraram a falta de conhecimento prévio para atuar no turismo com base na atividade agropecuária, e novos conhecimentos foram acessados por meio da assistência técnica, porém a assimilação apresenta limitações e sua aplicação poderia ser ampliada. Como resultado da CA, fica evidente a fragilidade da relação entre a CA potencial e a CA realizada, decorrente da transmissão de conhecimentos internos pelos proprietários. A pandemia COVID-19 mudou as rotinas e levou-os a adotar protocolos de segurança turística, culminando no aumento da demanda, além de despertar o interesse em oferecer novos serviços personalizados e ampliar os existentes. (Portuguese) [ FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Revista FSA is the property of Revista FSA (Faculdade Santo Agostinho) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full . (Copyright applies to all s.)

Turismo y Sociedad ; 31:49-71, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1912436


La pandemia de covid-19 ha generado una recesión global y sincronizada, que ha afectado mayormente al sector turístico por la paralización de la movilidad de personas y la imposibilidad de ofertar y demandar servicios turísticos. El departamento de Santander no es ajeno a esta realidad y, al ser un destino altamente turístico, ha sufrido evidentes afectaciones económicas, mayormente en el área metropolitana de Bucaramanga, el centro turístico de distribución y estadía del departamento, que no ha encontrado la manera de solventar dicho acontecimiento. Este artículo realiza un diagnóstico minucioso de la situación del turismo en el área metropolitana de Bucaramanga durante el primer semestre 2020. Posteriormente, establece unos lineamentos base para la formulación del plan de reactivación del sector turístico desde el enfoque de gobernanza. Finalmente, se dan algunas recomendaciones para el adecuado control y seguimiento del plan.Alternate :The COVID -19 coronavirus pandemic has created a global and synchronized recession, which has gravely affected the tourism sector given that people mobility came to a halt and that it has become impossible to supply and demand tourism services. In Colombia, due to the increase in COVID -19 cases, a strict quarantine has been maintained for over six months and it is not yet clear when it will be lifted. The department of Santander has not escaped this reality. In fact, being a highly touristic destination, it has suffered great economic impact, mostly in the Bucaramanga metropolitan area, which is the department’s tourism and hospitality hub and has been unable to mitigate this situation. This paper offers a detailed diagnosis of the current tourism situation in the Bucaramanga metropolitan area during the first semester of 2020. Then, basic guidelines are established for the formulation of a reactivation plan for the tourism sector from a governance approach. Finally, recommendations are given for the adequate control and follow up of the plan.

Turismo y Sociedad ; 31:25-47, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1912435


El presente artículo analiza la producción científica sobre turismo y covid-19 en la base de datos Scopus. Estudio exploratoriodescriptivo con diseño retrospectivo, cuyo marco temporal es el periodo 2019-2021. El procedimiento incluyó, en un primer momento, la definición de palabras clave para realizar una búsqueda genérica, seguido por la normalización a través del gestor bibliográfico EndNote X9 y, por último, el análisis de la información a través de Bibexcel versión 2016-02-20, Excel 2013, PAJEK y VOS viewer. Se identificaron 483 trabajos publicados de los cuales la mayoría (72,26%) son artículos académicos. Las revistas que más trabajos han publicado son Tourism Geographies, Sustainability Switzerland y Current Issues in Tourism. Por países, instituciones de Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y China lideran la producción científica en este tema. Las temáticas en las investigaciones estudiadas evidencian una evolución similar a las fases de la pandemia a nivel internacional.Alternate :This paper analyzes the scientific production about tourism and Covid-19 on the Scopus database. The methodology is based on an exploratory-descriptive study with a hindsight design. The time frame studied was from 2019 to 2021. In a first instance, the methodological procedure included the definition of keywords for a generic search, followed by the standardization using the software EndNote X9 and last, the data analysis through Bibexcel, Microsoft Excel 2013, PAJEX , and Vosviewer. Four hundred eighty three papers were identified and most of them (72.26%) were academic articles The scientific journals with the highest production are Tourism Geographies, Sustainability Switzerland y Current Issues in Tourism. By countries, institutions from USA , UK and China lead the scientific production on this issue. The topics studied on the publications that were analysed show a similar evolution to the pandemic phases worldwide.

Iberoamerica (Russian Federation) ; - (4):146-164, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1687913


The article examines the processes taking place in Latin American tourism under the influence of the coronavirus crisis. The purpose of this article is to review the impact of the pandemic on the tourism industry in Latin America and the Caribbean and proposed directions for its recovery. Based on statistical data presented in the publications of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the global business data platform Statista and other analytical materials, the features of the ongoing reorganizations in Latin American tourism are shown. Experts and specialists see a way out of this situation in the orientation towards digitalization of the tourism industry, the search for new types of tourism for consumers working remotely and other innovations. The article notes that despite various government strategies to combat the pandemic, multilateral cooperation of the LAC countries in overcoming the consequences of the coronavirus crisis is important for restarting the entire tourism industry © 2021. All Rights Reserved.

Tourism Review ; ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print):18, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1583833


Purpose As tourism destinations grapple with declines in tourist arrivals due to COVID-19 measures, scholarly debate on overtourism remains active, with discussions on solutions that could be enacted to contain the excessive regrowth of tourism and the return of "overtourism". As social science holds an important role and responsibility to inform the debate on overtourism, this paper aims to understand overtourism by examining it as a discursive formation. Design/methodology/approach The paper explores recurring thematic threads in scholarly overtourism texts, given the phrases coherence as a nodal-point is partially held in place by a collective body of texts authored by a network of scholars who have invested in it. The paper uses interdiscursivity as an interpretative framework to identify overlapping thematic trajectories found in existing discourses. Findings Overtourism, as a discursive formation, determines what can and should be said about the self-evident "truths" of excessive tourist arrivals, the changes tourists bring to destinations and the range of discursive solutions available to manage or end overtourism. As the interpellation of these thematic threads into scholarly texts is based on a sense of crisis and urgency, the authors find that the themes contain rhetoric, arguments and metaphors that problematise tourists and construct them as objects in need of control and correction. Originality/value While the persistence of the discursive formation will be determined by the degree to which scholarly and other actors recognise themselves in it, this paper may enable overtourism scholars to become aware of the limits of their discursive domain and help them to expand the discourse or weave a new one.

Kul-tur. Revista Interdisciplinària Sobre la Cultura de la Ciutat ; 8(15):123-141, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1575189


La pandemia del Covid-19 marcó un hito en la historia del turismo debido a que los procesos de globalización y compresión espacio-temporal que se habían registrado en los últimos 75 años, fueron suspendidos. Para diversos estudiosos, la desglobalización temporal ofrece una oportunidad para reflexionar sobre las propuestas de un desarrollo futuro del turismo más armónico, democrático y respetuoso de las sociedades anfitrionas y del medio ambiente. En este artículo se reflexiona en torno al turismo recreativo como una alternativa viable para el desarrollo del turismo en las ciudades y como una propuesta para salir de la crisis provocada por la pandemia. Para ello, se analizan algunos aspectos característicos del turismo recreativo desarrollados en el Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México antes y durante la pandemia. Para guiar el análisis, se recupera el planteamiento de Darbellay y Stock (2012) sobre el “giro recreativo” del turismo en las ciudades, así como las propuestas que apuntan al desarrollo del turismo creativo y regenerativo, en el cual los visitantes tienen experiencias culturales más activas y participativas, dando cabida a una relación más cercana entre visitantes y anfitriones.Alternate : The Covid-19 pandemic marks a milestone in the history of tourism due to the suspension of the processes of globalization and space-time compression witnessed over the last 75 years. Various scholars have grasped the opportunity offered by this temporary deglobalization to examine proposals for a more harmonious, democratic and respectful future development of tourism for the host societies and the environment. This article reflects on recreational tourism as a viable alternative for the development of tourism in cities and as a proposal to overcome the crisis caused by the pandemic. To this end, some characteristic aspects of recreational tourism developed in Mexico City’s historic centre before and during the pandemic are analyzed. The analysis is guided by Darbellay and Stock’s (2012) approach to the “recreational turn” of tourism in cities, and by proposals for developing creative and regenerative tourism, in which visitors have more active and participatory cultural experiences, allowing for a closer relationship between visitors and hosts.Alternate : La pandèmia del Covid-19 va marcar una fita en la història del turisme pel fet que els processos de globalització i compressió espaciotemporal que s’havien registrat en els últims 75 anys, van ser suspesos. Per a diversos estudiosos, la desglobalització temporal ofereix una oportunitat per a reflexionar sobre les propostes d’un desenvolupament futur del turisme més harmònic, democràtic i respectuós de les societats amfitriones i del medi ambient. En aquest article es reflexiona al voltant del turisme recreatiu com una alternativa viable per al desenvolupament del turisme a les ciutats i com una proposta per a eixir de la crisi provocada per la pandèmia. Per a això, s’analitzen alguns aspectes característics del turisme recreatiu desenvolupats en el Centre Històric de la Ciutat de Mèxic abans i durant la pandèmia. Per a guiar l’anàlisi, es recupera el plantejament de Darbellay i Stock (2012) sobre el “gir recreatiu” del turisme a les ciutats, així com les propostes que apunten al desenvolupament del turisme creatiu i regeneratiu, en el qual els visitants tenen experiències culturals més actives i participatives, donant cabuda a una relació més pròxima entre visitants i amfitrions.